Fríhöfnin | Training 2024 - Warehouse (Lager)

Training for the warehouse staff of Fríhöfn. It consists of various courses that are either taught online or onsite. 

The following courses will be on the agenda:

A Guide to correct Body posture - online
Difficult customers and Cultural differences - online and onsite
Teamwork and Communications - onsite
Navision - onsite

The last day to enrol is the 8th of December 2023


To improve communication skills

To use the body correctly in practical work

To strengthen the team

To promote cultural literacy


Online and onsite.

Helstu upplýsingar

  • Tími
    From January to March 2024. The last day to enrol is the 8th of December 2023
  • Lengd
    28 klst.
  • Umsjón
    Ásgerður Guðmundsdóttir, Margrét Reynisdóttir, Sigríður Hulda Jónsdóttir og Elvar Ágústsson
  • Staðsetning
    Online and onsite. More details will be released later
  • Verð
    Án kostnaðar / Námskeiðið er félagsfólki aðildarfélaga og samstarfssjóða að kostnaðarlausu
  • Markhópur
    The warehouse staff of Fríhöfn
  • Gott að vita
Skráningu á þetta námskeið hefur verið lokað!
  • Mat
    Completion of online courses and 90% attendance at onsite courses
  • Tengiliður námskeiðs
    Sólborg Alda Pétursdóttir


09.01.2024A Guide to correct Body posture, Difficult customers and Cultural differences, Teamwork and Communications, Navision 00:0000:00Ásgerður Guðmundsdóttir, Margrét Reynisdóttir, Sigríður Hulda Jónsdóttir og Elvar Ágústsson