Food Safety and Quality - Online
It is clear that safety and knowledge in food handling are crucial for ensuring public health, making it essential for staff working in cafeterias or food processing to be highly skilled in their work. The course will cover the following learning components:
• Food microbiology.
• Internal control, HACCP/GAMES.
• Preparation of menus, product knowledge and food categories.
• Increasing healthiness of meals and prepared food.
• Shelf life, sensory assessment, product knowledge.
• Allergies and intolerances.
• Cleaning and disinfection.
Taught according to a certified curriculum from the Icelandic Centre for Education (Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins)
The study is 40 hours long and takes place online on Mondays and Wednesdays from 19:30 to 21:30, from the 3rd of March - 5th of May 2025.
Further information:
Nanna Bára, and Hólmfríður, phone: 421-7500
Helstu upplýsingar
- Tími3rd of March - 5th of May 2025. Mondays and Thursdays from 19:30 to 22:00. Registration ends two working days before the course starts.
- Lengd40 klst.
- StaðsetningWebinar
- TegundStreymi
- VerðÁn kostnaðar / Námskeiðið er félagsfólki aðildarfélaga og samstarfssjóða að kostnaðarlausu
- MarkhópurA course for those who work with or intend to work with processing food, whether in canteens or food processing.
- Gott að vita
Only for members of the unions belonging to Starfsmennt and cooperative funds, others can sign up with MSS.
- MatCompleted assignments, attendance, and active participation
- Tengiliður námskeiðsSólborg Alda Pétursdóttir
Dagsetning | Dagskrá | Frá | Til | Kennari |
03.03.2025 | Food Safety and Quality | 19:30 | 22:00 |