How to manage a diverse team
More and more leaders have to be careful when managing people from many different cultures and backgrounds. It is easy to make mistakes because we do not always understand the why, how, and who of the people on our team.
In this world of immigration, refugees, demographic changes, and complex identity the workplace requires us to consider how we navigate all these differences and changes while effectively and efficiently manage our teams.
Understanding differences, honoring other people's cultures, and embracing that the world is constantly changing is a critical component of good leadership.
This will help you in bringing out the best from both the individuals on your team and the team as whole. The better you understand people, the better your leadership will be, and you will make better decisions for your organization.
Main topics:
- Culture and diversity.
- Collaboration and honesty.
- Respect and appreciation.
- How to be creative in analysing and evaluating team dynamics.
To better understand cultural differences.
To learn ways to communicate effectively.
To be able to negotiate the Intercultural elements of the workplace.
To appreciate that differences are strength.
The course is taught in english.
Participants should bring their own computers, writing materials and tools. Participants need to bring an open mind and willingness
Helstu upplýsingar
- TímiOctober 8th 2025, at 08.30 - 12.30, registration open until the 28th of September at 10.00.
- Lengd4 klst.
- UmsjónDr. Arni Thor Arnthorsson, Ph.D. in Marketing and Business Administration
- StaðsetningWebinar, Zoom
- TegundStreymi
- VerðÁn kostnaðar / Námskeiðið er félagsfólki aðildarfélaga og samstarfssjóða að kostnaðarlausu
- MarkhópurManagers and leaders who have teams from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
- Gott að vita
Those who do not belong to member associations or have rights with partner funds will be unregistered from Starfsmennt but can register with the University of Iceland's Continuing Education. A seat in the course is not considered 100% secure until Starfsmennt has changed the registration status from "new" to "approved." Participants will be sent an email to this effect before the course begins.
How to Manage a Diverse Team.
- MatParticipation
- Tengiliður námskeiðsSoffía G. Santacroce
Dagsetning | Dagskrá | Frá | Til | Kennari |
08.10.2024 | How to manage a diverse team | 08:30 | 12:30 | Dr. Arni Thor Arnthorsson |