Professional spoken and written English / Fagleg enska, töluð og skrifuð

Registration is open until October 17th.

More and more, people are called upon to use English in professional situations with current and potential clients, coworkers, international partners, and governmental agencies.

In order to get ahead at work, English proficiency has to go beyond understanding casual content and conversation.

Whether creating English content for a website and social media, producing company reports or answering customer requests, it is important to set the right tone of professionalism and competence.

This course will cover common situations that require professional English and allow participants to practice in a supportive atmosphere.


  • Contacting potential customers and partners in written and spoken English.
  • Answering email requests and phone calls in professional English.
  •  Creating a professional set of presentation slides.
  • Presenting in a professional context.


  • The correct forms of polite, professional address in English.
  • Asking and answering questions about your workplace or business.
  •  Clear and concise professional English for presentations.
  • How to take part in online and phone meetings professionally.


The class time will be divided into short content from the teacher and in-class activites. Each class will end with a summary of what was learned and a goal to accomplish before the next class. Participants will give a professional presentation during the final class.

Helstu upplýsingar

  • Tími
    Þriðjudaga og fimmtudaga 1. - 17. nóvember kl. 17:15 - 19:15 (6 skipti)
  • Lengd
    12 klst.
  • Umsjón
    Randi Stebbins, J.D. and M.A, author, speaker, teacher, facilitator.
  • Staðsetning
    Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands, Dunhagi 7, 107 Reykjavík
  • Tegund
  • Verð
    Án kostnaðar / Námskeiðið er félagsfólki aðildarfélaga og samstarfssjóða að kostnaðarlausu
  • Markhópur
    The course is ideal for anyone who wants to push their knowledge of English past the casual to the professional. At least an intermediate level of English is prerequisite.
  • Gott að vita
    Eingöngu félagsmenn aðildarfélaga Starfsmenntar geta skráð sig hér á námskeiðið.Aðrir verða að skrá sig hjá Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands.Sæti á námskeiðin teljast ekki 100% örugg fyrr en Starfsmennt hefur breytt stöðu skráningar úr “nýr” í “samþykkt”, póstur verður sendur á þáttakendur þess efnis viku áður en námskeiðið hefst.
Skráningu á þetta námskeið hefur verið lokað!
  • Mat
    Mæting og þátttaka
  • Tengiliður námskeiðs
    Soffía G. Santacroce


01.11.2022Professional spoken and written English / Fagleg enska, töluð og skrifuð17:1519:15Randi Stebbins, J.D